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Renovation certificate

Orestone certificate

For better service, trans-parity, safety, and quality. You as a renovation customer can feel safe and expect a quality done work.

Orestone Group Co Ltd gives you the following certificate assurances:

  • Guarantee of work done
  • Problem solving with Orestone Group mediating to solve problems that might occur, for free.
  • No scams
  • Payment terms to be followed by both parts
  • A well-specified quotation
  • The invoice with a payment confirmation

All our partners have signed a contract with rules to follow that will make your renovation services safe and done with high quality.

contact Orestone Group

Become a partner

If you are a renovation business or about to start - request more details about our services below. We offer a system that is proven to increase your orders, income, and high-end paying customers. Knock out your competitors. We associate with only 1 partner per city, possibly 2-3 in bigger cities.

Orestone Group